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TFD starts as a registered proprietorship in 2015

Since 2015/14/12 TFD Consulting Engineer e. U. is listed in the Austrian contractor cadaster with the Companies Code 81648 and recognized as suitable and qualified company by BVergG 2006 and ÖNorm A 2050





TFD Consulting Engineer e.U. is relocated in a new office

Presentation on the 8th International Conference TUNNEL SAFETY AND VENTILATION

Presentation on the "internationalen Brandschutztagung" in Stuttgart: Neue Simulationstechniken bei der Dimensionierung von Brandrauchentlüftungsanlagen am Beispiel der Bestandsstationen U-Bahn Wien U2 auf U5

Dipl.-HTL-Ing. Bernhard Höpperger with TFD Consulting Engineer e.U. is the start-up entrepreneur of the year 2016 designated by the Wirtschaftskammer Tirol




2nd JES Fachtagung: Ventilation Control of Tunnel Liefering

Dipl.-HTL-Ing. Bernhard Höpperger is appointed by the Chamber of Commerce as a specialist in the certification committee for the new IngG 2017 for 5 years ​




TFD Consulting Engineer e.U. moved to Carinthia



TFD Consulting Engineer e.U. signed a major order for the design of the tunnel ventilation in the project A26 phase 2. Project volume more than 1.2B EUR.



TFD Consulting Engineer e.U. successfully acquired first contracts in India.



TFD Consulting Engineer e.U. installed a photovoltaik at the office station and turned into a CO2 neutral engineering office.



TFD Consulting Engineer e.U. acquired the 100. project. Next to prjects in Austria, TFD successfully finished projects in Germany, Italiy, Poland, Netherlands, Slowenia, India, Sweden, Jordania, Egypt, Afghanistan and Armenia.

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